Words and the Dogon world
Book 1986 Calame-Griaule, Geneviève

DogonAfrica > Western Africa
This is a lengthy, detailed, and complex study of Dogon ethno-linguistics. It is a phenomenological study of Dogon ideas about speech and other forms of communication. The study contains chapters on speech and the person, speech in the human body, th...

On the Dogon restudied
article 1991 Calame-Griaule, Geneviève

DogonAfrica > Western Africa
This short article is Geneviève Calame-Griaule's response to Walter van Beek's article (see document no. 31), in which he questions the authenticity of her father Marcel Griaule's work. She turns the table on van Beek and questions his own ethnograph...

Dogon alimentation
article 1960 Dieterlen, Germaine et al.

DogonAfrica > Western Africa
This study of the Dogon's alimentation is primarily based on the author's intensive field investigation in the region of Sanga and in terms of the market of this region. The authors present good information on the alimentary and culinary material as ...